SBI (State Bank of India) is the country's largest bank and is set to announce huge clerical and PO Staff vacancies in the year to come. It is something to cheer about for the bank jobs seekers as having a job in SBI is always considered a big pleasure.
SBI Is currently conducting interviews for its clerical and Stenographers recruitment 2012 and will soon announce final results for it.
20000 Positions to be filled in one year:-
As per a report on Businessline, SBI is looking to recruit 19,000 clerks and 1,000 officers in next one year. SBI currently has 80,329 officers and 95,018 clerks on its rolls in June, 2012.
Mr. A. Krishna Kumar, Managing Director and Group Executive (National Banking), said that SBI will soon open about 1200 new branches and new recruits will serve these branches majority of which will be in Metro/Urban Areas. As clerical staff is less in many branches majority of new vacancies will belong to clerical cadre.
35% to retire in 5 Years :-
Mr. A. Krishna Kumar said that vacancies will continue to arise in future as 35-40% (About 80000) employees are set to retire in next 5 years. So, new people will be needed to replace these people and also to serve newly opened branches.