Reasoning questions are very important part of bank exams as
they test candidate's decision making, preciseness, analytical abilityetc. Reasoning questions are
normally considered to be very confusing as the candidates can not easily decide on an answer without taking some time and applying good analytical skills soreasoning should not be attempted first. Candidate should attempt this section after saving some time from Questions of General awareness and General English.

Reasoning questions have large variety and widely classified into
verbal and Non-verbal reasoning.

Verbal reasoning includes questions classified as below :-
Alphabetical and numerical series
Questions deriving from some given facts and relations
Questions on Directional analysis
Coding-decoding on a pattern
Questions on age calculation
Questions on Mirror images
Questions on Human relations
and More.......

Non-verbal reasoning includes questions on
some series of graphical representations. For example, four graphical pictures are shown depending upon some series, the candidate has to decide the next in series by finding out the logic used in creating the series.
Again, practice is the key as it makes you realize the types of questions you're good at and which section needs more attention.

Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude/Numerical ability are the two
time taking sections in any bank exam. The candidate will surely have to do a lot of
switching between questions to make sure he/she does not waste too much time on particular question while the relatively easier ones are waiting to be grabbed. This can only Be mastered through right amount of practice.
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