This year 10.5 lakh students will appear this exam, across 1,685 centers and for a total of 34311 seats for BE/B.Tech & 1070 seats for B.Arch/B.Planning in various institutions, namely NITs, IITs, Deemed Universities, Technical Institutions,state-run institutes as well as Private Colleges in India.
Important Dates:
Last date for online submission: 31st December, 2011
Last date for online submission: 31st December, 2011
Date of Examination (off-line): 29th April, 2012
Date of Examination (on-line): 07.05.2012 To 26.05.2012
Note :1. Mock test will be available from last week of December 2011 or first week of January 2012 on AIEEE/CBSE website for the practice by the students who are applying for online examination.
2. BAHRAIN is added as new Examination Centre For AIEEE 2012.
2. BAHRAIN is added as new Examination Centre For AIEEE 2012.
For more information about AIEEE Online Application, Syllabus, Exam Centers for offline & online Exam, Pay to Examination Fee and AIEEE Bulletin Download visit official website i.e. (OR) Click Here: AIEEE 2012 Entrance Examination
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