Tamilnad Mercantile Bank (TMB), started in 1921 as
Nadar Bank is one of the oldest private banks in India. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank has its headquarters in Tuticorin in Tamilnadu state. TMB now has around 250 branches across country and keeps inviting applications for various posts periodically. TMB has recently announced
recruitment of clerks in its recruitment process in 2012.
Post – Payscale:
Clerk – Rs. 7200 - 20100/Month (Approx 13,900/Month)
Important Dates
Last date of online application: Apr 25, 2012,
Application printout to should reach by: Apr 30, 2012
Eligibility Criteria : To apply for Clerks jobs in Tamilnad Mercantile Bank ,

Not above 24yrs(Graduates) & 26yrs(Post Graduates) of age, as on Mar 31, 2012 (Age relaxed by 5 for SC/ST and by 2 For MBC/BC),

A Non-engineering Graduate with 50% marks or a Post Graduate, from a recognized University in regular course,
An Engineering Graduate with 55% marks. (Candidates waiting for final sem result may also apply).

Basic Knowledge in computers is required.
Selection Procedure
The candidates will appear for objective type written exam to be held at Chennai, Salem, Madurai, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi centres. More details of Written Test will be communicated to the eligible candidates later by post. On the basis of the written test, candidates will be short listed for a personal interview in the order of merit.
Application Procedure

Fee is Rs.200 & Rs.100(SC/ST).

To be paid by DD drawn in favor of
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. payable at Thoothukudi / Tuticorin or Tirunelveli.

firstly need to register and upload their resume at TMB website. Then application can be made online for this job.

The printout of the filled online application along with DD and other documents is to sent to the mentioned address within 5 days of registering online at www.tmb.in but
not later than Apr 30, 2012. Photograph should be pasted on the form and all documents should be
self attested with Application serial number written on them.

The cover of application should be super scribed as "Application for Recruitment of Clerks 2012" and should reach the address within 5 days from the date of online e-application filing but not later than Apr 30, 2012 to:
The General Manager,
Human Resources Development Department,
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.Head Office, # 57, V. E. Road,
Thoothukudi 628 002.
Click Here To
register and Apply Online At TMB Bank website
BSNL Recruitment for the vacant post of Graduate and Diploma Holder Apprentice.