Bank of India
Head Office; Star House, Plot C-5, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051
Head Office; Star House, Plot C-5, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051
Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Project 2011-12 (3149 posts)
For Challan, click Print Challan Button at our website and after making fee payment (for other than SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen candidates) Apply online through the link provided at the website notice
Online applications are invited for appointment in the clerical cadre in Bank of India
Bank of India (BOI) Clerical Recruitment 2012 Important Dates
Challan available from: 16th April, 2012
Submission of on-line application commencing from: 16th April, 2012
Last date for submission of on-line application: 28th April, 2012
Payment of application fee (other than SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen): 16th April, 2012 to 28th April, 2012
Tentative period of interview: May-June, 2012
Relevant date of age/qualification/experience: 01st August, 2012
To see the Advertisement of the Bank Of India (BOI) Click Here
For further more information Click Here
Eligibility for Bank of India Clerical Jobs 2012
Emoluments: Basic Pay in time scale of Rs 7200-19300/- plus DA, HRA, CCA, Conveyance Allowance
Gratuity, Pension, LFC, Medical Aid etc as per the Industry Level Settlement and other facilities as per Bank’s Rules
Eligibility Criteria
Nationality/Citizenship: A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) subject of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the group discussion/interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the Govt of India has issued the necessary eligibility certificate to him/her
Age: Minimum age 18 years and maximum age 28 years as on 01st August, 2011
Educational qualifications
The candidate should possess the following qualifications as on 01st August, 2011 Pass with 50% marks in the aggregate, either in the Higher Secondary School (HSC) examination or Standard XII under the 10+2+3 pattern or Standard XI under the 11+4 pattern or its equivalent of recognized Educational Board, acceptable to the Bank; or
A degree from UGC recognized University (Graduation level)
Ex-servicemen who do not possess the above civil examination qualifications should have passed, while serving in the Armed forces, with a minimum of 50% marks, in any of the following examinations recognized by the Govt as equivalent of the civil examination of HSC; IAF educational test for promotion to the Rank of Corporal; Passing Out (Indian Navy) Examination conducted by Boys Training Establishment, Visakhapatnam; A matriculate Ex-Servicemen candidate, who have obtained the Indian Army Special Certificate of Education or corresponding certificate in the Navy or the Air Force after having completed not less than 15 years of service in Armed Forces of the Union are also eligible to apply
Candidates having completed foundation course on Computer Awareness and Office Automation for duration of minimum 3 months from a Computer Institute, is desirable
The desirability of having completed the said course will be waived in case of those candidates having computer subject as part of the curriculum at the Pre-Degree/Degree level
Knowledge of Regional Language of a particular State/Union Territory for which candidate apply, is essential
Candidates possessing minimum total weighted standard score (TWSS) in the Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in 2011 as indicated in page 1 of this notice, should only apply
The educational qualifications prescribed above for the post is the minimum
Candidates must possess the qualifications as on 01st August, 2011
The percentage of marks stipulated for the educational qualification is for General (unreserved) category candidates
Candidates belonging to the reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EX-SM), filling in vacancies reserved for the relevant category, will be entitled to a relaxation of 5% marks in relation to that stipulated for general category candidates
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EX-SM categories filling in unreserved vacancies will not be entitled to the above referred relaxation
The percentage of marks in 12th standard shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects by aggregate maximum marks of all the subjects irrespective of optional/additional subjects studied
Cut-off Marks in CWE held in 2011
Reasoning; 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-SM 21 and above
English Language; 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-SM 21 and above
Numerical Ability; 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-SM 21 and above
General Awareness; 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-SM 21 and above
Computer Knowledge; 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-SM 21 and above
Relaxation in age limit: SC/ST candidates by 5 years; OBC candidates by 3 years; PwD by 10 years on cumulative basis (The cumulative age relaxation for PwD category candidates will therefore be 15 years (10+5) for SC/ST; by 13 years (10+3) for OBC; and by 10 years (0+10) for General candidates, subject to such cumulative relaxation not taking the age of the candidate beyond 50 years as on 01st August, 2011; All persons who have ordinarily been domiciled in Kashmir Division of J&K State during 01st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989 by 5 years; Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who have not remarried by 9 years; Ex-servicemen who fulfill the revised definition as laid down in Govt of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Dept Personnel and Administrative Reform Notification No-36034/5/85/Estt (SCT) dated 27th October, 1986, as amended from time to time, who have put in not less than 6 months continuous service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed the benefit of age relaxation by deducting the length of such service from his actual age and the resultant notional age does not exceed 36 years, subject to his not exceeding the Maximum Age of 50 years
Interview Marks: Maximum marks for interview will be 100
Minimum qualifying marks in interview are 50% for General category and 45% for reserved category
Selection Procedure
Depending on the number of vacancies, only those candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks stipulated for common written examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS (subject wise objective test), have the minimum IBPS TWS score specified above and rank sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for a personal interview in the ratio of 1:3
The candidates should have valid score card issued by IBPS
Mere pass in the common written examination shall not vest any right in a candidate for being called for Personal Interview
Merit list of the candidates based on the aggregate marks obtained by them in common written test and in personal interview will be prepared in descending order, under the respective SC/ ST/OBC/GEN category State wise
The final selection will be made on the basis of this merit list
Probation: The selected candidates will be on probation for a period of 6 months of active service from the date of his/her joining the Bank
Application fee (non-refundable) Application fees for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-service-men candidates-Nil; for all other candidates-Rs 200/-
Application fee has to be paid in any of Bank of India branches by computer-generated challan
Fees in any other mode will not be accepted
How to apply
Candidate should have a valid e-mail ID
The candidate should apply on line through website
As a first step, candidate should take out print out of challan from website (this will not be applicable for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Serviceman candidates)
Against the above said challan, the candidate should make the payment of fees in any of the Bank of India branches on or before 28th April, 2012
Once the payment of fees is made, the concerned branch will give him a Transaction Number
Candidates are now ready to apply online by re-visiting the Bank’s website and going to the sublink to open the appropriate online application format
Candidate should visit again our website under the caption Recruitments/ Career and should fill up the application available
Transaction Number should be correctly filled in the application at appropriate place (this is not applicable for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen candidates)
Application should be checked and after verification be submitted by clicking to submit button
Application should be printed to be kept ready for submission at the time of interview at the interview venue
You should note/remember your Registration Number for future reference and use
Please note that the above procedure is the only procedure for applying
Physical mode of application or incomplete application would not be accepted and if submitted such application would be rejected outright
As per the above said procedure, we summarize the steps as below; Print Challan; Pay the fees in any of the Bank of India Branch and take Transaction Number; Fill-up the application form on-line after verification;
Print application and affix photograph-to submit the same at the time of interview with following documents; Copy of your valid common written examination (CWE) score card issued by IBPS; copy of receipted challan; (except for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen); attested copy of School leaving certificate or any other document showing proof of age acceptable to the Bank; attested copies of mark sheets/certificates in support of educational qualification; attested copy of certificate of computer course, if available; Any other related certificate as applicable, Caste Certificate etc
Candidates serving in Govt/Public Sector Undertakings will be required to submit No Objection Certificate from their employer, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered and will be cancelled for non-submission of NOC
Even if the last date of registration is changed due to technical reasons, the valid dates for payment of application fee will not be changed
Payment of fee by demand draft/cheque/money orders/postal orders etc will not be accepted
After registration the application printout need not be sent to the Bank
The said application alongwith challan and copies of required documents mentioned above should be kept ready for submission at the time of interview
Since Clerical Cadre recruitment would be on State/UT wise basis, it will therefore be necessary that candidates apply for vacancies of a State/UT from which they have appeared for the common written examination and in which they have qualified and should be willing to be initially posted at any place in that state/Union Territory
Andhra Pradesh; SC 46; ST 19; OBC 59; General 111; Total 235
Andman and Nicobar; OBC 01; General 04; Total 05
Arunachal Pradesh; ST 03; General 01; Total 04
Assam; ST 04; OBC 02; General 14; Total 20
Bihar; SC 35; ST 03; OBC 59; General 143; Total 240
Chandigarh; General 02; Total 02
Chhattisgarh; SC 03; ST 15; OBC 02; General 06; Total 26
Delhi; SC 02; ST 03; OBC 02; General 34; Total 41
Goa; ST 21; OBC 01; General 05; Total 27
Gujarat; ST 21; Total 21
Haryana; General 01; Total 01
Jammu and Kashmir; ST 01; Total 01
Jharkhand; SC 52; ST 108; OBC 45; General 280; Total 485
Karnataka; SC 18; ST 14; OBC 22; General 50; Total 104
Kerala; SC 10; ST 01; OBC 26; General 60; Total 97
Madhya Pradesh; SC 47; ST 106; OBC 54; General 194; Total 401
Maharashtra; SC 10; ST 221; OBC 27; General 63; Total 321
Manipur; ST 02; General 02; Total 04
Meghalaya; ST 02; General 02; Total 04
Mizoram; ST 02; General 01; Total 03
Nagaland; ST 01; General 02; Total 03
Orissa; SC 36; ST 46; OBC 28; General 107; Total 217
Puducherry; OBC 01; General 03; Total 04
Punjab; SC 30; OBC 21; General 51; Total 102
Rajasthan; SC 16; ST 13; OBC 21; General 62; Total 112
Sikkim; ST 01; OBC 01; Total 02
Tamil Nadu; SC 31; ST 02; OBC 43; General 83; Total 159
Tripura; SC 01; ST 05; General 06; Total 12
Uttarakhand; SC 04; OBC 03; General 08; Total 15
Uttar Pradesh; SC 85; ST 05; OBC 106; General 227; Total 423
West Bengal; SC 13; ST 03; OBC 13; General 29; Total 58
Minimum TWSS
Andhra Pradesh; General 151; SC/ST/OBC 141
Andman and Nicobar; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Arunachal Pradesh; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Assam; General 141; SC/ST/OBC 131
Bihar; General 156; SC/ST/OBC 146
Chandigarh; General 176
Chhattisgarh; General 156; SC/ST/OBC 146
Delhi; General 176; SC/ST/OBC 166
Goa; General 136; SC/ST/OBC 126
Gujarat; SC/ST/OBC 126
Haryana; General 181
Jammu and Kashmir; SC/ST/OBC 131
Jharkhand; General 141; SC/ST/OBC 131
Karnataka; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Kerala; General 151; SC/ST/OBC 141
Madhya Pradesh; General 141; SC/ST/OBC 131
Maharashtra; General 136; SC/ST/OBC 126
Manipur; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Meghalaya; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Mizoram; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Nagaland; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Orissa; General 136; SC/ST/OBC 126
Puducherry; General 141; SC/ST/OBC 131
Punjab; General 151; SC/ST/OBC 141
Rajasthan; General 161; SC/ST/OBC 151
Sikkim; SC/ST/OBC 121
Tamil Nadu; General 141; SC/ST/OBC 131
Tripura; General 131; SC/ST/OBC 121
Uttarakhand; General 171; SC/ST/OBC 161
Uttar Pradesh; General 156; SC/ST/OBC 146
West Bengal; General 161; SC/ST/OBC 151
Hello sir
ReplyDeletei have completed my (MBA) and i am very much interested for job. can u guide me how can i grab this opportunity. Pls leave ur comment & provide latest info about Bank of India Recruitment 2014. for apply Online…..