Programs Offered: M.A, M.Sc, M.Tech, MBA, MCA, M.Com, M.Ed, MlIS, M.P.Ed, MSW, M.P.A, M. Phil, Doctoral Programmes, Ph.D, PG Diploma
Important Dates to Remember:
Issue of Application form from: 16.03.2012
Last date for issue of Application form by Post: 13.04.2012
Last date for issue of Application form in Person: 16.04.2012
Last date for submission of filled in application form: 16.04.2012
Date of Entrance Examination: 26.05.2012 - 27.05.2012
Application Cost:
In person: For all courses Rs.110/- (for SC/ST Rs. 60/-)
By Post: For all courses Rs.100/- (for SC/ST Rs. 50/-)
Through Online: For all courses Rs.100/- for (SC/ST Rs. 50/-)
Fees exempted for physically and visually challenged candidates.
Mode of Payment (DD / Cash):
Application fee may be credited at Pondicherry University Account in any of the following banks all over India under Core Banking System (Challan to be downloaded from the website):
1. Any of the branches of INDIAN BANK with instruction to credit it to Account No. 6018625294 along with challan number.
2. Any of the branches of STATE BANK OF INDIA with instruction to credit it to Account No. 32225505012 along with challan number.
Application Forms:
- In Person: The application forms can also be obtained from the Pondicherry University Staff Co-operative Credit Society at the University campus on payment of the cost of the application form Rs. 50/- plus Rs. 10/- as service charge.
- By Post: For Application Form and Prospectus, write to The Deputy Registrar (Academic II), Pondicherry University, R. V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry 605 014. along with a self addressed envelope of size 32cm x 25cm, stamped for Rs.90/- Request for application must be superscribed on the envelope “Request for application form for admission”.
- Through Online: Application form can be submitted online through the University Website Send the hard copy (in A4 size) along with the original bank challan for the prescribed fee.
The completed application form should be sent so as to reach the address on or before 16.04.2012.
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