Dear Students, I would like to share with you a few thoughts related to intellect. Intellect alone will make you as great personalities. Intellect wins that which is considered to be unwinnable. This Intellect has four features:
1.Imaginative Skill
4.Indefatigable Energy
4.Indefatigable Energy
Those with all these four characteristics together will be the best Intellectual citizens.
We know the pine qualities of Honesty. They are:
Beauty glistens in the demeanor of the hearts where dwells justice and Honesty, amicability blossoms in the homes where beautiful conduct gleams, Discipline institutes in a nation with a good number of amicable homes, Peace lives in the world where there are disciplined nations.
Beauty glistens in the demeanor of the hearts where dwells justice and Honesty, amicability blossoms in the homes where beautiful conduct gleams, Discipline institutes in a nation with a good number of amicable homes, Peace lives in the world where there are disciplined nations.
Heart, Conduct, Nation and the World have a lovely link. Honesty must be the common aspect to alll the citizens of the nation. Honesty must be there in the families, education, services, works and in trade.
Honesty must be steadily pracitised in administration, politics, government and in judiciary. This Honesty alone will give potency to India to become a developed country.
I must also share with you what is Courage. It is the courage to think differently, the courage to discover, the bravado to take the track untravelled by anyone, courage to know what is impossible, the audacity to resolve the problems � these should be the life-breath of the youngsters . . . they should be successful.
The first objective of the students is that they must be topmost in their studies. This is their first service to nation.
Inquisitiveness, imaginative potential, technical intelligence, work skill and righteous leadership qualities must have developed in them during their study days. A student who possesses these five qualities will be a self-learner and will stand on his own legs.
He will learn to be not only a self-activated person but also a self-controlled one. He would know to respect a man in power and also how to ask proper questions to him. These men only can make India flourishing.
Good books alone will lead the young students in the right path. The compass bought by Einstein�s father only made Einstein to think. The book he got as a gift in his 12th year remained as the second wonder to him. Without a big laboratory and without any costly tools, he found out the cosmic truths with his mathematical intelligence.
At his 82nd year Sir C.V. Raman gave a speech on the Unwinnable Energy. I still rmember it. Youngsters and girls before me! What I want to tell you is � don�t ever lose your confidence and courage!
I can assuredly say that you can win the challenges before you only through your daring involvement. The thinking of Indians is not a wee-bit less than the Germans or North Europeans. The deficiency is lack of daringness.
We miss the power that activates us. We will go a long way if it is there. I feel that we have an inferiority complex in us. What India needs now is to devastate these powers that defeat us. We need vigor to win.
We need energy to select the path to take us to the correct place. We need energy to be acknowledged with a sense of pride that our culture ranks the best in this world. Raman said that these invincible powers would direct us to the right path.
Hence, friends! Intellect is this:
Intellect = Imaginative Skill + Honesty + Courage + Indefatigable Energy
You have to nurture these qualities during the Student days� itself. Teachers and educationists should wish that true knowledge must reach the students. Let us meet again. My best wishes to you all!
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