Interview is an art of expressing the skills in a varied form in order to attract the employer to fit into the right job. The employer views interview as an opportunity to know about the conscience and capabilities of the candidates, to make sure that a right person is recruited to the job. For a candidate, to face an interview either in Private Jobs or Government Jobssuccessfully these few interview skills or interview tips that would benefit are as follows:
- Check your fit into the job-first check whether the job is suitable and are you well qualified for the job and your satisfaction towards the job description.
Prepare C.V or Resume-don’t use same format for all the jobs that you apply for. Instead, edit your resume as if you possess the qualities that are notified in the job responsibilities for that particular job.
- Do some research-know about the company and its operations, values etc through company website, friends, relatives and the existing and prior employees of that company.
- Prepare for the Interview-going to interview unprepared is like driving a car without brakes, so, do the preparation and practice it in front of mirror. Question yourself with many questions and answer it many times so that you can easily gain confidence at interview.
- Mind your language-don’t use common language as if you are talking to a friend. As you are expected to show a professional attitude make your language polished to fit the interviewers’ expectations.
- Body Language-check your body language and keep it in control. For many candidates, what they speak will be different from their body language, which may clue the interviewer that you are lying. So, check your body language and behavior with your friends through practice.
- Be thorough with domain knowledge-the knowledge of your core area is very important. Be prepared with few expected questions and answer them in a brief manner. This could be practice through writing the expected question and answers and practicing it by repetition.
- Be-cordial-show a cordial attitude to the receptionist or any other sub-staff who would be assisting you in the process of interview. Remember that you are not still a part of that company and you don’t reserve any right to behave oddly with them. So, show amicable attitude.
- Be on time-being late to the interview gives them an impression that, you won’t value the time and company. So avoid it and make arrangements to be at best time at company premises.
- Be sociable-be sociable with the co-interviewees’, by doing so you will network with them and get to know the opportunities that you may never come to know that they exist.
- Show emotional intelligence-not only general intelligence, but also be intelligent emotionally. Be stable with emotions, don’t get frustrated, after-all interview is just an amicable interaction, so no need to worry and make yourself stressed. Neither they are going to fail you at final exams, nor are they going to make you study for another year if you fail at interview. So, always stay cool!
These job tips will never help you if you won’t put them into action. So kindly put the above interview tips into action, so that you can get out with flying colours in the interview. These interview skills will always make a long lasting influence on your career. Who knows, your boss may plan something bigger than you expect for yourself! All the Best!
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